


14/5/07 一早醒来,感觉空气特别清新,天空特别蓝,心情特别开朗,为什么呢?因为要去美国啦!yoohoo… 前一晚整夜兴奋得睡不着觉,由于是晚上的飞机,所以还去上了半天工,不是我勤劳啦,只是一下子拿太长的假,所剩下的 Annual Leave 不够了,所以能省则省,但那还有什么心情工作啦,只是在等待时间的到来。

大小行李,我要出发了 :)

Waiting for check-in


Using free internet in departure hall

8pm 起飞。Free orchid souvenir from Thai Airway

两个小时后抵达 Bangkok机场转机,在机场得呆三个小时。


在飞机上毫无聊,除了睡觉,就是吃,喝,看戏,还消耗了不少时间在我童年最爱的 Super Mario 游戏。


15/5/07 美国时间 7am 到达美国 JFK 机场。 过海关时,工作人员的态度都很不友善,让我对美国人的第一影响打了折扣分。

坐 Air train 到 Jamaica Station, 两个人人生地不熟,连票也不懂得怎么买,原来 Air Train 是到达目的地后才买票出站的。接着得搭Subway,又分为好多条 Line, 研究了好久,才搭上了对的车。一看到 23St., 很开心,便赶快下车。怎知道,原来有两个 23 St station, 又再搭 Subway 继续上路。由于是上班时间,Subway 里都好多人,还蛮多黑人的。给我一种很危险的感觉,应为之前就听说地铁站的治安很不好。一到了 23 St. station, 由于有两个出口,电话又只能 sms Pauline, 所以又费了一番功夫才 meet 到她。到她的家休息了一阵子,没有预想中的累(或太兴奋了),便开始第一天的行程了。还好没有时差,晚上十点睡觉,隔天六点多就起床了(天已亮了)。

United States 15 - 30 May 2007

1st Day: Midtown Manhattan- Madison Square Garden, Timesquare, Central park, St. Patrick Cathedral, grand Army Plaza, FAO Schwartz, Broadway, Apple Store, m&m Store [Photos]

2nd Day: Lower Manhattan- Staten Island, Battery Park, Castle Clinton, Sphere 1, National Museum of the American Indian, Bowling Green, Charging Bull Sculpture, Wall Street, Trump Building, Federal Hall, NYSE, Trinity Church, Ground Zero (World Trade Center), St. Paul Chapel, Century 21

3rd Day: Madison Square Park, Flatiron Building, Grand Central Terminal, Rockefellar Center, Timesquare, m&m store

4th Day: Philadelphia- Independence Hall, Liberty Hall
Washington DC- National Air & Space Museum, Capitol Hill, White House, Jefferson Memorial, Lincoln Memorial, Vietnam Veterans Memorial [Photos]

5th Day: Pennsylvania- Hershey Chocolate World, Corning Glass Factory, Niagara Falls (Maid of The Mist) [Photos]

6th Day: Niagara Falls State Park, Cave of The Wind [Photos]

7th Day: Museum of Modern Art (MOMA)

8th Day: Macy, Empire State Building

9th Day: Chinatown, Little Italy, Century 21

10th Day: Coney Island, Filene’s Basement shopping

11th Day: Macy, 34th St shopping

12th Day: Boston- Trinity Church, Boston Common and Public Garden, Quincy Market

13th Day: Boston- Harvard University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology [Photos]

14th Day: Greenwich Village- Washington Square Park, Christopher Park, Gay Street, New York University

15th Day: Central Park, Broadway show “Beauty and the Beast” [Photos]

16th Day: East Village