
US Visa Application

事前做了好多准备功夫,包括所需要的supporting documents, eg:
· Current proof of salary / income (original pay slips or most recent original J, EA, B or other tax forms) ;
· Letter from employer detailing your position, salary, how long you have been employed with the company; the period of authorized vacation; and the purpose of your U.S. trip;
· Real estate lease or deeds;
· Bank savings account books or other evidence of liquid assets that indicate the balance in your accounts and account activity;
· Where appropriate, a tour, business or conference itinerary or other information about your planned trip;

**Obtain a photo that meets our requirements--otherwise your visa application will not be accepted** 连照片的要求也特别严格。 我在第一件相馆拍的尺寸和规定中的稍微有一两公分的差别,但担心因为这小小的错差会让我付了的RM370 application fee 白白飞掉,所以又去另外一件相馆重拍。 online submit application form 过后,便预约时间去 interview。 拿了半天leave, 当天一大早便到了在 Jalan Tun Razak 的大使馆,外面大排长龙,原来每一天都有那么多人要去美国。轮到我了,过第一关,像机场般scan 了全身和手提袋, car key, handphone, camera etc. 不可以带进去。进到大厅,又scan 了一次,才正式拿号码排队等。原来所谓的 interview, 只不过是像银行般,号码到了便去 counter, 站在那边透过玻璃“聊天”(并不是 formal interview)。问题也很简单:在哪里工作啦,什么职位啦,薪水多少啦,去美国做什么啦,有没有亲人或朋友在那边啦,等等。过后便告诉我 OK 了,我还吓了一跳,他连我的 documents 都没看便相信了,害我还为这些东西奔波劳碌。给了我一张小卡片,隔天便可以去领回 passport 了。(ps: 难以置信,visa is valid for 10 years)

呼!原来申US VISA 没有想象中那样困难,早知如此应该在 Matta Fair 时便先买机票,就可以省下一大笔。

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